
What is BELKYRA™?

Belkyra (deoxycholic acid) is the first and only injectable treatment in Canada that targets and eliminates fat cells under the chin. Belkyra is a quick & safe treatment, which can be completed in 15-20 minutes in the doctor’s office. Belkyra gradually improves your chin profile through a series of treatment sessions customized by your doctor.

How does BELKYRA™ work?

The active ingredient in Belkyra is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Belkyra targets and eliminates fat cells when injected into the area under your chin. Belkyra gradually improves your chin profile over a number of treatment sessions customized by your doctor. Once your desired results are achieved, re-treatment is not expected.

Is BELKYRA™ right for me?

    • You’re bothered by fullness under the chin
    • Surgery is not an option for you
    • You eat well and exercised, but fullness under your chin does not go away